About Koganaawsawin

Koganaawsawin Logo

The coordinating body of the
Anishinabek Child, Youth, and Family Well-Being System


Supports the implementation, compliance, and enforcement of the Anishinabek Nation Child Well-Being Law.

Programs and Services

Develops and implements programs and services to support child, youth, and family well-being.


Receives, administers, distributes, and reports on funding to support the Anishinabek Child, Youth, and Family Well-Being System and the implementation of the Anishinabek Nation Child Well-Being Law.


Acts as the central liaison and coordinating body for Anishinabek First Nations regarding child, youth, and family well-being matters.


Establishes policies and guidelines relating to the operation of the Anishinabek Child, Youth, and Family Well-Being System.

Delegated Duties

Carries out any other powers, duties and/or functions delegated by Anishinabek First Nations.

In July of 2022, Koganaawsawin received direction from Anishinabek First Nations to move forward with the Anishinabek Nation Child Well-Being Working Group’s recommendation to incorporate as a not-for-profit corporation.



E-dedibinowewizijig Anishinaabek Mzowe yaawaad emina-bimaadizijig binoojiiyag, eshkiniigijig miiniwaa ngodweyaangizowin. E-zhi-maamowi-seg naadiziwin pii zhichigeng ezhi-ndowendiziwing, gaa-miingowing debenjiged.

A sovereign Anishinabek Nation with healthy children, youth and families. Connected to culture by exercising our inherent rights, bestowed upon us by the Creator.



Enso-bebezhig debendaagozid Wiijiiyewin Ezhi-maajiishkaamgok Enkiijig waa-iindimaagewag gi-kendaasowin miiniwaa gishkiweziiwin nji-sa nenaasab pskaabibidek mnaadendimoowin, nsaakinigewin miiniwaa nsastamookiiwin.

Each member of the Social Development Team contributes their knowledge and skills with mutual respect, openness and understanding; collaborating as a cohesive unit that works together to support our member First Nations.