Anishinabek Nation Children and Youth Bill of Rights
Binoojiinh miinwaa Eshkiniigit Naaknigewnan
In June of 2019, Anishinabek Nation Chiefs-in-Assembly approved a Children and Youth Bill of Rights, intended to help ensure the well-being of Anishinaabe children and youth.
The Anishinabek Children and Youth Bill of Rights was developed by the Anishinabek Nation Social Development Department, with input from the Child Well-Being Working Group, Eshekenijig Advisory Council, Getzidjig Advisory Council, and Kwe-Wuk Advisory Council.
Giinwi gidinwendaagozimi wii naadmoonggidwaa weweni kwiiji Anishinaabemnaanik.
It is our sacred duty to ensure the well-being of our people.
Gidaa niigaanaabmi giniijaansinaanik nji ezhi Anishinaabe Ngodweyaangiziying.
Our children and youth are the future of the Anishinabek Nation.
Kina Anishinaabe binoojiinh;
All Anishinabek Children and Youth have the right;
da naagdwenmaa mizowe; ezhi wiiyowit, ezhi naanaagdwendang, ezhi mnomjiwit, ezhi jichaawit;
to be safe and cared for; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually by their family, extended family and First Nation communities and affiliations;
da bzindwaa miinwaa da debwetwaa;
to be heard and believed by others;
gaawii da nshinaajiikwaasii miinwaa gaawii da mjidoodwaasii;
to be free from sexual abuse and exploitation;
da kinoomowaa Anishinaabe Aadiziwin miinwaa Anishinaabemowin;
to their culture, heritage and language;
da wiidookwaa waa zhi Anishinaabe aadizit miinwaa waa zhi Anishinaabemot;
to engage in their culture, heritage and language without restriction(s);
da mno doodwaa; manjigo eyaawit, enaadizit, ezh giizhigwet, ezhinaagdwendang, ezhi nawendaazot;
to equal and fair treatment; regardless of their identity, gender, sexual orientation, language, mental capacity, family relations and/or name;
da debnang miinwaa da nakaazinan aasgaabwitaadwinan;
to access and utilize support programs;
da zaagaa, da naagdwenmaa dibigo yaagwenh;
to be loved and feel safe, whether inside or outside of their communities;
da miigkwaa, da kinoomowaa, da shamaa, da naagdawenmaa;
to adequate health care, education, nutrition and shelter;
da dbendizo yaawit miinwaa ezhi jiibaamwit;
to freedom of spirit and to be their authentic selves;
da damna, da naanggwendam, da mnaadenmaa miinwaa da mna nendam;
to play, to relax, to be respected and to have peace;
da dbaajima, da bizindwaa miinwaa weweni da gnoodmowaa waa ni zhi bmaadizit;
to share their voice, to be heard and to be properly represented in decisions affecting their future;
da Anishinaabe kinoomowaa;
to a culturally-based education;
da ginwendaan da noozwin miinwaa ezhi nawendaazot enjibaat.
to maintain their family name, familial ties and relations within their community.